To celebrate the well-known and extremely popular musical style “Son Cubano”, the “Dia del Son Cubano” was launched and celebrated in Cuba with rhythmic sounds. Cubacel is offering a special bonus on the occasion of this event. From May 3rd – May 8th 2021, every top-up worth of 500 CUP or more, for a Cuban phone number, receives a bonus of 1GB data volume and 1000 CUP bonus call credit. But that’s not all! As a special treat, Cubacel is also offering a tariff campaign during the same period.
In addition to the mobile phone credit promotion, there is a 50% discount promotion for international phone calls from the network operator for bonus credits. All international calls made with the bonus credit are charged at only half of the regular international tariff. If the bonus is used up or there is no more bonus available, only half of the regular international tariff will be charged (for this you must take part in the bonus campaign!). All bonuses can be used for 30 days from the time of topping up!
Bonus amount:
1000 CUP Bonus!
+ 50%-Telephony-Bonus